About “annabella” www.annabella.world

“annabella” is a singer, songwriter and performance artist born in Sao Paulo, Brazil and moved to the US at a young age. After a brief time in California she moved to the Washington DC area where she grew up outside of Annapolis Maryland. As a young musician “annabella” spent ANNABELLAmuch of her childhood studying music and and performing all over the Capital area. “annabella” has been acting, singing and studying music for most of her life and has been a member of several school and professional choirs throughout her career, winning several awards for her exceptional singing. Eventually “annabella” moved to Macon Georgia where she is active in theatre and performing in many local productions while she continues to hone her singing and musical abilities.
Coming Soon – Clones a new album by annabella!
coming soon a new album with a new Vibe from “annabella” clones.live
available on all music streaming platforms and at annabella.world
“This album has been alot of hard work. annabella is an amazing singer songwriter and talened musician. Thanks to alot of special and talented people we have released a really incredable 12 songs” and “I can’t wait to get on the road and play these songs live” said Manager and Drmmer Arlin Carter.
annabellas new album Yellow was just released online at http://BeYellow.live one week before it will be available on all major music platforms like; spootify, iTunes, Google Music… You can hear previews of all songs on her site and buy a download, CD or Vinyl copy of the amazing albun Yellow.
Recorded at ACR Studios in Macon GA, Patchwerk Studios Atlanta GA, Jason Boshoff Studios Barcelona Spain and Aubrey Whitfield Studios London England
annabella – Singer / Songwriter/ Guitar / Keyboards / UKE
Arlin Carter – Producer / Percussion / Drums / Engineer
Angelica Bleclic – Saxophone
Toní Mateos – Drums
Marc Quintillá – Guitar
Jordi Vericat – Bass
Jason Boshoff – Producer / Keyboards
Aubrey Whitfield – Producer / Keyboards / Guitar
Evan Melville – Engineer

When “annabella” is not working hard in the studio or hanging out with her friends you will find her on stage with one of many theatre companies doing what she loves; singing and performing.
“annabella’s” songs are a mix of acoustic guitar with clean but complex rythems centered around personally meaningful lyrics. Her songs are written with heartfelt emotion and come from her personal view of life as a young female singer songwriter.
Be sure to listen to her music on any of the major music platforms and please follow her on social media as she shares her journey through her music and performances.
New Single TRUST by annabela released 1/20/2018